On 27 May, Professor Robert Baron, Oklahoma State University and Professor Michael Frese, Asia School of Business and Leuphana University of Lueneburg, will receive the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research 2024 during a ceremony in Stockholm. Welcome to participate in the Award ceremony online via Zoom.

Robert Baron and Michael Frese are awarded for expanding the psychological foundations of entrepreneurship and enabling a vibrant stream of evidence-based research on the micro-foundations of entrepreneurship.


Award Ceremony Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research 2024

Moderator: Katrine Kielos-Marcal, journalist and author

16:00 Welcome
Katrine Kielos-Marcal, journalist and author
Anders Broström, Managing Director Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum

16:05 Is Sweden an entrepreneurial country?
Anders Broström, Managing Director Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum
Fredrik Hörstedt, Vice President The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)
Darja Isaksson, Director General Vinnova.

16.15 What makes an entrepreneur and who get investors?
Michaela Berglund, CEO and Partner Feminvest
Kerstin Cooley, Founder and Partner Course Corrected
Stefan Krook, entrepreneur and investor

16:35 Music
Lilla Akademien

16:45 Award ceremony
Michael Frese, Professor Asia School of Business and Leuphana University of Lueneburg
Ivo Zander, Professor Uppsala University, and Chairman of the Prize Committee
Lars Backsell, entrepreneur and Chair Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum

16:55 Learning from African Entrepreneurship – On the psychological function of entrepreneurial preparedness in Low and Middle Income Countries
Michael Frese, Professor Asia School of Business and Leuphana University of Lueneburg

17:25 What have we learned?
Katrine Kielos-Marcal, journalist and author
Lars Backsell, entrepreneur and Chair Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum

17:35 Thank you!


The Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research is the foremost global award for research on entrepreneurship. The Award honors significant contributions to theory-building on entrepreneurship and small business development. The Award consists of the statuette ”The Hand of God” by the Swedish sculptor Carl Milles and a prize amount of 100 000 Euros.

Founder of the Award: Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum. Sponsors: Vinnova – Sweden´s Innovation Agency and Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)

For more information, please visit www.e-award.org