In many ways, the world is at a crossroad. Will we continue towards economic freedom and economic cooperation, which has led to increased prosperity and large reductions in poverty, or will we return to an earlier time when beggar-thy-neighbor policies heightened tensions and hindered growth and development?

To help answer this question, we are pleased to welcome the Heritage Foundation to Stockholm Tuesday, August 27 where they will present the twenty-fifth edition of the Index of Economic Freedom. It is an annual index and ranking created in 1995 by the Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal to measure the degree of economic freedom in the world’s nations.

During the seminar, two of the authors of the report from the Heritage Foundation, Terry Miller, Director Center for International Trade and Economics, and Anthony B. Kim, Research Manager, will provide key insights on financial freedom in the world.

Also discussed:

  • Where is Sweden ranked?
  • Are we heading for more or less economic freedom?
  • What are the barriers to economic freedom in Sweden? Taxes? Rules? The fiscal framework?

More participants will be added.

Terry Miller
Ambassador and Director, Center for International Trade and Economics and Mark A. Kolokotrones Fellow in Economic Freedom
Anthony B. Kim
Research Manager and Editor of the Index of Economic Freedom