Taskforce for Strengthened Swedish competitiveness
At the end of 2021, Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum started a new multi-year project with the goal of investigating conditions for strengthening Swedish competitiveness in the long term. The project is about systematically analyzing and developing a research-based knowledge base for how Swedish industry’s competitiveness can be strengthened in the long term. How does entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, innovations and globalization affect Sweden’s growth and prosperity?
Sweden has for a long time lost position in the so-called prosperity league, and signs of a lack of competitiveness are clear. During 2021/22, Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum has started an industry-related task force with the aim of identifying areas of importance for Swedish industry’s long-term competitiveness and how it can be strengthened in the wake of covid-19.
The mission of this task force is to:
a) Carry out external analysis and evaluate Swedish competitiveness vis-a-vis comparable countries;
b) identify factors of medium and long-term importance for Swedish competitiveness as well as
c) based on research and environmental analysis, propose policy measures for strengthened competitiveness in the medium and long term.