Swedish Schumpeter Lecture

Swedish Schumpeter Lectures – Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum’s lecture series about the entrepreneur, the entrepreneurship function and the role for economic development. Each year an internationally recognized researcher presents his/her work and reputable Swedish representatives from academia, business and politics, is invited to comment on the research. Joseph Schumpeter identified the entrepreneur as the central driving force of a dynamic economy, thus becoming the academic who took the entrepreneur into the economic analysis.

Swedish Schumpeter Lecturer 2024: Javier Miranda, Professor at Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Javier Miranda provided a comprehensive exploration of entrepreneurship, not only as a means for individual job creation but also as a catalyst for innovation and widespread employment opportunities.


2024: Javier Miranda
2023: Edward Glaeser
2022: Stan Metcalfe
2021: Maria Minniti
2020: William Kerr
2019: John Haltiwanger
2018: David Audretsch
2017: Mark Skousen
2016: Saras D Sarasvathy
2015: Mirjam van Praag
2014: Deirdre McCloskey
2013: Philippe Aghion
2011: William Gartner


Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883-1950) was born in present day Czech Republic and became in 1911 the youngest professor of economics in the history of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. He presented heavily contested and novel ideas for his time dominated by neo-classical economic theories. The Schumpeterian model is based on creative destruction, where the entrepreneur creates growth and innovation through the discovery of new possibilities and risk-taking. In a dynamic interaction between the old and the new, the innovative entrepreneur is the change agent who ultimately drives economic growth.