OECD-samarbete med Entreprenörskapsforum

Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum joins the partner network of the Spatial Productivity Lab (SPL) at the OECD Trento Centre for Local Development, which is an integral part of the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities. The OECD Trento Centre’s vision combines an enhanced international role as a capacity building provider for national and sub-national authorities on issues related to local growth and a new development as a centre of excellence on issues related to spatial productivity.

The Spatial Productivity Lab at the OECD Trento Centre participates in the broader OECD work on productivity focusing specifically on the geographical dimension. It identifies mechanisms that support the catching up process of regions and cities lagging behind the (national or global) productivity frontier and assesses to what extent national productivity can be increased through national, regional and local policy measures, e.g. through better policies and governance arrangements that leverage agglomeration economies generated by cities beyond the city itself.

“The new regional policy paradigm focuses on growth, competitiveness and well-being. It has moved away from compensating lagging regions for undesirable effects of macroeconomic conditions to identifying ways for each region to contribute to aggregate performance via promoting its productivity growth potential”, says Alessandra Proto, Acting Head of the OECD Trento Centre for Local Development.

“We are pleased that the priorities of Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum match those of the OECD and we look forward to cooperating with the Spatial Productivity Lab in developing research agenda that seeks to understand how entrepreneurship, SMEs, enterprise scaling-up and other mechanisms contribute to productivity growth of places along the urban-rural continuum”, says Johan Eklund, the Managing Director of Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum and Professor at BTH and JIBS.

Read more about the OECD Spatial Productivity Lab