Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policies – The Case of Sweden

img_fr_2008_3Europe faces a major economic challenge, outlined in the Lisbon strategy.
In many areas Europe has global excellence; in several industries, in advanced research and in regions with a unique European entrepreneurial tradition. Still, those European assets are not fully utilised and new policy initiative must be launched to materialise the assets into competitiveness and growth.

In 2005 the Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research (FSF) launched Innovative Policy Research for Entrepreneurship and Growth (IPREG) in
Europe. The vision for IPREG is to facilitate the formation of an efficient
entrepreneurship and innovation policy as a basis for economic growth.

IPREG also rests on the assumption of the importance of understanding and appreciating the cultural differences between countries and regions in order to develop efficient and tailor made policies, drawing on knowledge from different European contexts, and information on good practice on a global level.

In this first IPREG research project, a common study on Entrepreneurship and Innovation policy in eleven countries has been done, resulting in eleven country reports and executive summaries and two synthesis reports.

Moa Almerud, Dan Hjalmarsson, Maria Lundberg, Anders Lundström
FSF 2008:5
Sid: 80
Språk: Engelska